1- Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran. 2- Department of Public Health, Asadabad School of Medical Sciences, Asadabad, Iran. 3- Asadabad School of Medical Sciences, Asadabad, Iran. 4- Department of Nursing, Asadabad School of Medical Sciences, Asadabad, Iran. , aslanm63@yahoo.com 5- Student Research Committee, Asadabad School of Medical Sciences, Asadabad, Iran.
Abstract: (2101 Views)
Background and Aims: The student period is one of the most important periods of human life in the formation of their personality, and people's commitment to prayer during these days can be a very effective way to solve problems in the continuation of a person's life. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of determining the status of adherence to prayer and its related factors among the students of Asadabad School of Medical Sciences in 2023. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 173 students of Asadabad School of Medical Sciences who were included in the study by census method. The data was collected by self-reporting method and using the demographic information form and the attitude and practical commitment to prayer questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 software and using descriptive and analytical statistics including one-way ANOVA, independent t-test and Pearson's correlation at a level of less than 0.05. Results:According to the findings, the dimension of the effectiveness of prayer in personal and social life with 71.1 percent of the obtainable score among the different dimensions of the attitude and practical commitment to prayer questionnaire has the highest score and the dimension of care and the presence of the heart in prayer with 58.4 percent of the score Acquired had the lowest score. In other words, the effectiveness of prayer in personal and social life was evaluated at a relatively favorable level and other dimensions at an average level. In total, 84.4% of students participating in the study had high practical commitment, 11% had moderate practical commitment and 4.6% had low practical commitment to prayer. Also, a significant difference was observed in the average score of attitude and practical commitment to prayer in relation to the age (P=0.044) and field of study (P=0.005). Conclusion: According to the findings, it seems necessary to pay attention to the dimensions of commitment and serious effort to perform prayer, care and the presence of the heart in prayer, and attention and action to the recommendations in the design and implementation of interventions in the field of improving students' attitude towards prayer.
Barati M, Ezati E, Shourcheh B, Aslani M, Jalalvand H, Masoumian M. Investigating the status of prayer adherence and factors related to its among the students of Asadabad School of Medical Sciences. Avicenna Interdisciplinary J Relig Health 2022; 2 (2) :1-7 URL: http://aijrh.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-58-en.html