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:: Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn and Winter 2024) ::
Avicenna Interdisciplinary J Relig Health 2024, 4(2): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Clarifying the spiritual needs of nurses in the care units for patients with Covid-19 in Hajar Shahrekord Hospital: a qualitative stud
Shahram Etemadi Far * 1, Mehbobeh Mohammadpour2
1- , Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahrekord Branch, University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran , etemadifar@yahoo.com
2- medical university, Shahrekord Branch, University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran
Abstract:   (273 Views)

Background: The spread of the corona virus has affected the mental health of people in society, including patients, their families, and health service providers, especially nurses, and the need to pay attention to their health and pay attention to the needs of spiritual care in patients, families, and treatment personnel is more than predetermined, Because of the close relationship they have with patients and their pain and suffering, nurses are one of the most vulnerable people in terms of spiritual needs. Nurses are professionally and ethically obligated to provide spiritual care as part of comprehensive care to patients. Therefore, identifying their spiritual needs and meeting these needs seems important. The present study was carried out with the aim of explaining the spiritual needs of nurses in the care departments of patients with Covid-19 in Hajar Shahrekord Hospital
Methodology: The present qualitative research is of the content analysis type and was conducted in 2003-2014. The research population was 16 nurses from the care departments of covid-19 patients of Hajar Shahrekord Hospital affiliated to Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. The participants were selected by purposive sampling method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews in the hospital and their workplaces and recorded with their consent. Data collection continued until data saturation. The text analysis of the extracted interviews was done at the same time as the data collection and was classified into primary themes, sub-themes and main themes using the content analysis method.
Results: A total of 16 nurses with the age range of 23 to 56 years participated in this study, the majority of nurses had bachelor's degrees (87%) and master's degrees (13%). The main findings of this study included 3 main themes and 11 sub-themes. One of the main themes of the concept of spiritual care with sub-themes: understanding the meaning of life and getting to know more about the Creator of the universe and the purposefulness of human creation, communication with God and patients, which is the basis of kindness and compassion and companionship with patients, trust in God, prayer and Prayer caused mental peace and hope. Another main theme of the study includes factors that facilitate spiritual care with sub-themes: availability of facilities and equipment and necessary conditions for providing spiritual care, religious belief and participation in religious programs cause mental and spiritual peace, need for training and empowerment of nurses. And the formation of the spiritual care team was the need for the attention and understanding and support of the officials regarding the importance of the spiritual care of nurses. Another main theme of the study includes factors that facilitate spiritual care with sub-themes: availability of facilities and equipment and necessary conditions for providing spiritual care, religious belief and participation in religious programs cause mental and spiritual peace, need for training and empowerment of nurses. And the formation of the spiritual care team was the need for the attention and understanding and support of the officials regarding the importance of the spiritual care of nurses.
Conclusion: The findings of this research led to the understanding and clarification of the spiritual needs of nurses in the care departments of patients with covid-19, which includes the concept of spiritual care, facilitating factors and inhibiting factors of spiritual care. Providing suitable solutions in order to meet the extracted needs according to the facilitating and inhibiting factors of spiritual care in this study, will be very important in facing nurses in similar job situations caused by pandemic diseases. Also, it is important to identify the spiritual needs of nurses for nursing officials and managers in order to train and formulate a spiritual care package in order to meet the spiritual needs of nurses.
Keywords: nurse, spiritual care needs, facilitating and inhibiting factors of spiritual health, corona disease, care of covid 19 patients

Keywords: Nurse, spiritual care needs, corona disease, care of covid 19 patients
Editorial: Research | Subject: Ethics and health
Received: 2024/08/27 | Accepted: 2024/11/30
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Etemadi Far S, Mohammadpour M. Clarifying the spiritual needs of nurses in the care units for patients with Covid-19 in Hajar Shahrekord Hospital: a qualitative stud. Avicenna Interdisciplinary J Relig Health 2024; 4 (2)
URL: http://aijrh.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-94-en.html

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مجله بین رشته ای دین و سلامت ابن سینا Avicenna Interdisciplinary Journal of Religion and Health
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