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:: Volume 2, Issue 2 (Autumn and Winter 2022) ::
Avicenna Interdisciplinary J Relig Health 2022, 2(2): 14-8 Back to browse issues page
"A survey of the hadiths of Ruza Kafi about Meat and its accessories in Health"
Giti Kolaee1 , Maryam Shamsaei * 2
1- Seminary
2- Shiraz University of Medical Sciencesy , shamsaie2008@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1597 Views)
Background and purpose: a part of the speech of imams is orders and recommendations regarding health maintenance, treatment, prevention of diseases and in general the Islamic lifestyle, which will be drawn for a Shiite from the words of Al-Masween, peace be upon him.
Materials and Methods: This research refers to the hadiths of Rawza Kafi about meat and analyze them in a descriptive-analytical manner, which deals with the issue of hadiths of Rawza Kafi about meat for the treatment and prevention of diseases with the approach of validating the issuance and jurisprudence of hadith. .
Findings: After examining the narrations about meat and its accessories, the meanings can be divided into three categories: describing the types of meat, examining the manners of eating meat and its accessories, and the importance and role of meat in health. Following the description of the properties, importance and effects of the consumption of meats, in this category of narrations, it is seen that the prohibition of consumption of salted or dried meat is prohibited. By examining the opinions of some experts, by consuming such meats due to the loss of nutrients and the increased possibility of contracting many diseases, similar results are obtained.
Conclusion: In this article, based on the Islamic lifestyle, the correct method of using food resources to prevent diseases has been analyzed based on hadiths. In this direction, efforts have been made to have the hadiths of the Arbaah books, including Kafi after revision, applied and a practical way to emerge in the social life of families. Since the health of food using hadith has not been properly and properly considered in the lifestyle, it is necessary to pay more attention to this science in order to connect to the source of science and immunity from errors and mistakes.
Keywords: Ruza Kafi, Meat, Health"
Full-Text [PDF 545 kb]   (147 Downloads)    
Editorial: Research | Subject: Hadith and health
Received: 2021/12/1 | Accepted: 2023/09/1
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Research code: 98-01-100-21801
Ethics code: IR.SUMS.REC.1399.421

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kolaee G, Shamsaei M. "A survey of the hadiths of Ruza Kafi about Meat and its accessories in Health". Avicenna Interdisciplinary J Relig Health 2022; 2 (2) :14-8
URL: http://aijrh.umsha.ac.ir/article-1-34-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Autumn and Winter 2022) Back to browse issues page
مجله بین رشته ای دین و سلامت ابن سینا Avicenna Interdisciplinary Journal of Religion and Health
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